The new USPS rates have taken effect. So I have updated my Webstore to reflect the changes. For what I ship, prices have gone up 15 cents. International shipping via USPS/Asendia has gone up $1. This next part is important. I have raised the threshold for free shipping to US Customers from $35 to $40. So now US orders of $40 or more will get free USPS Ground Advantage shipping. I plan on always offering a free shipping threshold to US customers. But as the USPS continues to raise prices, this threshold will need to be bumped up occasionally. Thank you for understanding. And for all of the business all of you have been giving me.
The webstore continues to show most items as "out of stock". Still frozen here most of the day. But I have been getting little breaks in the late afternoon in which it warms up enough to do some gluing. So I have been working on getting emailed orders done ASAP. I have more gray and blue foam on the way. And a new color, plum! This will replace the purple. It's hard to tell from computer screen pictures sometimes, but I believe this will be more of a maroon type color. So I am accumulating the supplies, so when these days of freezing fog abate, I can start gluing up foam like a mad man
When sending your beloved 8 track tapes to me for repair. Please keep in mind that my focus is on repairing/tuning up the innards of your tape. Which can at times be very time consuming. As a courtesy, I do a light cleaning of the outside of the cartridge.
So when sending me tapes, please keep that in mind. With the age of these tapes, I except there to be some cleaning involved in on my end. However, if your tapes have a lot of grime and dirt on them. Please clean the worst of that off before sending them too me. A rag with some Forumula 409 or Lysol spray cleaner on it will do the job. Just be careful of the label. This will help things move a long a little faster here. And help me keep my prices down. Again I don't expect tapes to be pristine by any means when sent to me. But this last year I got a lot of really grimey ones that took up quite a bit of time just getting them clean enough to open up and work on. Thank you!